Welcome to the Hipster Chipster Cookie Company!

My name is Tara DeVries and I LOVE cookies!

My passion for baking cookies all started back about 7 years ago when my daughter and I decided to make cookies for daddy as a surprise to him after work one day. He tried one and never went back for another! I asked about it and he said, “They were not very good!” What?! Who cares if they weren’t good…his little girl and his wife made them for him!! Well, because of that comment, I took it upon myself to find and make the perfect chocolate chip cookie. After many, many batches of failed cookies, I believe I have finally found and mastered my chocolate chip cookie! But if any of you know me, I don’t like to do things the way that everyone else does. So I’ve created a cookie with a twist! My unique mix-ins will give your taste buds a dance and put a smile on your face!

Contact Tara

15 + 11 =

“You will not want to miss out on these fantastic cookies! I have had “The Hipster’s” cookies on several occasions. On one occasion, a box was brought home and somehow they disappeared in a matter of minutes. I wish my extended family didn’t like them so much…. :)”
